2015年9月21日 星期一

Identity Crisis

Do you have problems that your pet behaves like another animal?  Bears find some pets that have confused identity.

Duck: Why they are taller than me and stand with one leg?

Hey! You are neither squirrel nor bird.

Why you climb so high? What you are looking for?

Dog: We find a good place to lounge.
Dog: Big brother is watching me.
Dog: This is such a good place indeed, I'm gonna sleep.
Dog: I am one of them! *ruff*

Dog: I think my preexistence is a sea lion.
Dog: (Sitting like a boss) Can you bring me some drink and snacks?
Pig: I don't think I am a pig.

Hen: We are such a great mother, share our love to all kids.

It doesn't matter whatever they behave, because of their weirdness, we can enjoy so much fun.  

Mama Bear

2015年9月20日 星期日

可愛い兎さちゃん♥ (Cute Rabbits in Japan)

Bears were busy last week, please forgive us not updating the blog.

Today, we want to introduce cute rabbits from Japan.  Nao, the owner of four rabbits, loves make flower wreath.  She will also make some her rabbits, let's enjoy the photos!

A flower wreath on rabbit's head is a magic, they are so cute and charm, not only human, bears also want to hug them, they are fairies and come to heal our hearts~~~

If you want to follow them and for more photos, please visit their twitter!  And don't forget to share our posts to all rabbits lover.

Mama Bear

2015年9月10日 星期四

Born to be killed?

Yesterday, our bears used computer and saw a news about the dentist, Walter Palmer, who killed Cecil, a well known lion in Zimbabwe, and returns to work at 8 Sep.

Bears do not know about Cecil, but we were sad to hear Cecil was killed because of the hunting activity.
* Trophy hunting:

We find some statistics: In 2015 the IUCN stated that “The Lion population is inferred to have undergone a reduction of approximately 42% over the past 21 years (approximately three Lion generations, 1993-2014)” and estimated that fewer than 20,000 lions remain.

According to another surveys: "Surveys of lions in protected areas in Zimbabwe yield disturbing results: what is driving the population collapse?", researchers conclude that the population collapse was most likely driven by anthropogenic influences which includes 1)unsustainably high trophy hunting quotas, 2)illegal killing of lions (including shooting, poisoning and snaring) both in and outside these areas, 3)and high levels of lethal problem animal control.

In Africa, trophy hunting is a common practice which generates considerable revenue.  Pro-hunting groups claim that the true revenue should be substantially higher through the associated industries because of the multiplier effect.  Jeff Flocken, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, has another view.  He states that there is no proof of trophy hunting brings huge amount of revenue to local people.  International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation, pro-hunting organization, have reported that only 3% of revenue from trophy hunting ever makes it to the communities affected by hunting.  The rest goes to national governments or foreign-based outfitters.  Revenue from hunting pales in comparison to the huge amount from wildlife tourism.

Nowadays, society pursues sustainable development.  Human, the most intelligent species in the world, should try hard to maintain species diversity and coexistence.  All lives are valuable and should be respected no matter what species they are, our bears team do not think happiness and excitement should at the cost of other lives.

Cecil, RIP.

p.s. Our bears team eat only snacks and fruits, our favourite is Chocopie!!!

Bears Team

2015年9月1日 星期二

Know more about Bears (2)

Hi everyone!  After talking white bear (polar bear), let's talk about black bear this time.

Black bear has the biggest ears among all the bears, they are usually black skin, but some have red-brown fur or cinnamon brown fur.   

The Kermode bears, a.k.a. spirit bears, which have rare white-furred due to a double recessive gene unique in the subspecies.

There are mainly 2 species of black bear: American black bear, and Asian black bear.

America black bear

American black bear is the world's most common bear species.  They are good swimmer and have better eyesight and senses of smell and hearing compared to human.  

The relationship between American black bear and human is very closed.  Theodore Roosevelt saved a black bear cub by refusing to shoot it down from the tree, this incident inspired Morris Michtom to create teddy bear.  Winnie the Pooh, a famous cartoon character, was named after Winnipeg, a female black bear cub that lived at London Zoo.

Asian black bear

Asian black bear is also called moon bear and white-chested bear because of the white V shaped chest mark.  They are highly intelligent, it is interesting that they can make clucking or "tut-tut-tut" sounds when cautious.  When they warn or about to attack, they will huff.  Once you hear screaming loudly, it means they are angry or fighting. Females are often more vocal than males.

Oh! Boss is calling us, maybe he gets some jobs for us.  See ya!

2015年8月29日 星期六

Know more about Bears (1)

I know you guys know what bears are look like, but how much do you know about us?  We want to share things not only bears, but also other animals.   Of course, this blog is managed by bears, let's start with our family first.

There are 8 species in our family, we are very smart and clever - we know how to crack the trap with rocks to take the baits.  We can stand up and walk for a short while.  Unlike other mammals, we can see many colours.   Human thinks we are gluttonous, but we are, we eat all human eat and won't eat, such as purse, coat and etc (news).

During the hibernation, we don't defecate (*shy*), but we will transform the feces into protein.

In Russia, we have premier status.  The current ruling political party - United Russia, use a walking polar bear's outline as the party logo.  Bears in Russia are the symbol of power and courage from past to present.  So, it's time to talk about our huge brother - polar bear.

I think most of people know how to call them, they really really really love eat meat (mostly carnivorous) who can consume 150 pounds of meat per meal.  Maybe this is one of the reasons why they run so fast, some guy says they can run 40 miles per hour which is quicker then Bolt (Jamaican runner) who runs 27 miles per hour, and they can swim for 100 miles without break.  (Should I ask our boss to feed us more meat for quicker chasing good antiques?)

Everyone thinks polar bears cover with white skin and fur, actually, their skin is black for absorbing sun energy, meanwhile they have two layers of fur which the outer fur is transparent but appear white and tan.

Polar bears are always being chosen for the character of goods and cartoons. 

  Ice maker

Japanese Cartoon - Shirokuma Cafe (Polar Bear's Cafe)

Ok, it's time to get some food from our boss, let's talk more about bears later.